Daily Archives: April 1, 2009

Saving Pennies Using Ethnic Markets And Produce Junctions

“A Pale Green Mermaid Blog”

One way that I save money and have some fun is browsing “ethnic” markets.  Now when I say “ethnic markets” I mean a market that caters to a specific clientele such as Asian , Hispanic, Russian etc.  What I have noticed is that they tend to keep the prices down and fruits or veggies in their markets and are usually better quality (fresher).

The fun element comes when you try something that you never tasted before like octopus fritters or the numerous homemade noodles in the Asian markets or the desserts offered at Russian markets, they are quite a treat!  You get to understand a culture in some way by eating their food.

The other place to get loads of fresh and interesting  green stuff are the produce outlets or junctions that you pass on the road, there is one near where I live where you can not only get 2 romaine lettuce heads for 1 dollar,1 bag of oranges for a dollar …etcetera…

( I am beginning to see a pattern here… in these posts… I am obsessed with buying things that cost one dollar !!! I suppose that it stems from when I use to go upstate in Penna and visit lake Nuangola when I was young.   If you walked around the lake through the swamp, complete with missing planks on the walkway that covered the deep green muck teeming with frogs, turtles, dragonflies and at night the dive bombing bats, yes bats!  Well, if you made it through the swamp and walked up the hill, at the top was the… 

PENNY CANDY store! that’s right all the candy was one-uno -single -penny!!

I realize as I am writing this post my obsession with bargains must have been engendered as I walked back over the swamp, the setting sun tinting everything orange and my shorts ladened with pockets full of penny candy…

So check out your local produce provider they skip the middle man and the middle man’s profit, creating a deal for you!




Filed under Economy, Fat Cat Skinny Cat Musings, Life